Tile & Grout Cleaning

Once tile and grout gets dirty, it changes the whole look of everything around it.

Let Hennes Tile & Grout cleaning take one more job off your hands (and knees) with a powerful, yet safe and gentle, cleaning process. Regular mopping just doesn’t reach the stubborn dirt that lies deep in the pores of your grout lines, but using a specially developed tile and grout cleaning solution and high pressure, hot water rinse with extraction, we can restore floors, showers and tubs, kitchen floors, tiled foyers and entryways, tiled halls, sunrooms, and more. We recommend using a sealer on your grout after it has been cleaned. This extra layer of protection seals the grout, making it resistant to spills and stains, and easier to clean in the future—keeping the grout and the surface looking clean longer. You’ll have time to wipe up dirt and spills before they can sink in. Color sealant can also change the look of any tiled room and it conceals discolored grout that’s seen brighter days.

Before and After Tile and Grout Cleaning:           














Machine used to clean Tile and Grout: